How To Make Sequential API calls in React Applications — Typescript Version

Sumit kumar Singh
2 min readMar 18, 2023

In a React application, you may sometimes need to make multiple API calls in a specific order, where the result of one call depends on the outcome of the previous one. In this case, it’s important to make the API calls sequentially to ensure that the data is fetched in the correct order.

Here’s an example of how to make sequential API calls in a React application using TypeScript:

First, define the types for the API responses and the data you will be working with:

interface Response1 {
// Define the response from the first API call

interface Response2 {
// Define the response from the second API call

interface Data {
// Define the data that you will be working with

Next, define a function that will make the first API call and return a Promise that resolves with the response data:

async function getResponse1(): Promise<Response1> {
const response = await fetch('api/endpoint1');
const data = await response.json();
return data;

Define a second function that will make the second API call using the data from the first call, and return a Promise that resolves with the response data:

async function getResponse2(data: Data): Promise<Response2> {…



Sumit kumar Singh

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